trees + Trails

Cutting trails through a heavily wooded area is a challenging task that requires a lot of hard work and patience. Initially, we used hand tools such as machetes, axes, and saws to clear out the vegetation and create a pathway for larger equipment to access the area. This first step is known as "bushwhacking."

Once the initial pathway is created, larger equipment such as bulldozers or excavators were used to further clear out the area and create more defined trails. However, it's important to note that using heavy machinery in a wooded area can also have environmental impacts, so it's important to work with a professional who has experience in land management and conservation. On our property, I consulted with an expert with a degree in Forest Ecology and Ecosystem management. He has also assisted me in removal of non-native plant life through controlled burns.

Overall, creating and managing a trail system is a time-consuming and physically demanding process. But is is also extremely rewarding as it opens up new opportunities for exploration and outdoor activities.


Boardwalks and bridges provide safe passage for us to hike, while also protecting the natural environment by preventing erosion and damage to the soil, vegetation and vernal pool life.

Boardwalks also allow us to better experience the natural beauty by offering a clear, defined path that can be followed as designed from area to area.

In addition, boardwalks can make trails accessible to a wider range of people, including those with disabilities, young children, or the elderly. This helps to promote inclusivity and allows everyone to enjoy the beauty and benefits of spending time immersed in nature.


To design the trails, I began the way I begin many of my Interior Design jobs…with a sketch.

This allowed us to have a “path-forward” as we removed and managed the vegetation and fallen trees.

When possible the fallen trees were left on the forest floor, to provide housing for the birds, reptiles and animals. We are now also propagating mushrooms in some on the logs that we collected.